Rock House, Cambridge Road, Hastings TN34 1DT 01424 230149.


Current exclusions:

Barwatch: 39

Shopwatch: 28

Offenders on database and past exclusions

Exclusion notices

Exclusion Notices are designed to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in or near our member’s premises to make the town a safer place to work and visit. They are also intended to send out a strong message that such behaviour is not tolerated in Hastings They are governed by strict protocols and are not issued lightly.


Why have I received an Exclusion Notice from the BCRP banning me from entering some places in Hastings?

Shops, pubs and clubs are private property and their owners can decide to refuse admission to anyone at any time.

Our Members’ right to protect their staff and customers from harm or loss outweighs the freedom that you will lose by being excluded due to your actions.

All of our 150 members work together and have given us their permission to issue Exclusion Notices on their behalf. You can see of a list of all the businesses involved in the scheme by clicking on the Shopwatch and Barwatch members links at the top of the page.

When we receive a report from one of our members about an incident of anti-social behaviour or criminal activity that you have been involved in, either within or near one of our member’s premises, we put the details on our database. When the incidents have been involved in are deemed serious enough by members of the scheme we will issue you with an Exclusion Notice which bans you from going into our members’ properties for a fixed period of time. The Exclusion Notice will include details of the incidents that have resulted in your ban. Your details, including a photograph, will then be circulated to our members so they know you have been banned and they will not let you in.

Wherever possible we will write to you before you get enough incidents to merit a ban to let you know that unless your behaviour changes you are heading for an Exclusion Notice but we do not guarantee this and if you don’t get this ‘warning letter’ it will not invalidate an Exclusion Notice that is issued later. For some serious crimes you can receive an Exclusion Notice for a single criminal incident.

There is an appeal procedure and if you think the exclusion notice is wrong you should write to Hastings BCRP at Rock House, Cambridge Road, Hastings TN34 1DT or email stating the reasons why. Your appeal must be in writing and it will be considered by the BCRP’s Board of Management.