Rock House, Cambridge Road, Hastings TN34 1DT 01424 230149.

Police encourage licensees to report all incidents on their premises

The Hastings & Rother Police Licensing team would like to reassure all license holders that contacting the police to report incidents (including drug related & assaults) in their premises is welcomed and encouraged. It actually demonstrates responsibility in managing a licensed premises and that you are promoting the Licensing Objectives.

“Failing to report matters to Police more often than not will demonstrate the opposite and often leads to hidden problems becoming far worse and beyond the point where we can work together with you successfully to a resolve a problem.”

PC Richard Wilkes, PC Alan Simes & Ms Cathie Daniel from the Hastings & Rother Police Licensing team

The message is coming out loud and clear that licensees can rest assured that it is an absolute myth to believe that reporting incidents at a venue will be instantly viewed as a “black mark” against the premises.

In fact it’s very much the reverse as it’s more likely that it will be a negative or poor response to repeated problems identified which will ultimately undermine the premises licence.

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