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Repeat shoplifter returned to jail after serving previous prison term earlier in the year

A prolific Hastings Shoplifter who has already spent time in jail this year for stealing from shops in town was handed a 26-week sentence at Hastings magistrates court after pleading guilty to a series of thefts, plus breaches of the terms of a criminal behaviour order.

The court heard how 41-year-old Rona Colvin had failed to attend drug rehabilitation sessions, and had stolen from premises after being asked to leave by store staff – something a previous court hearing had specifically prohibited her from doing.

She was charged with five counts of shoplifting over three dates in October 2024 relating to incidents at Primark and Marks and Spencer’s in Hastings, and Co-Op on Bohemia Road.

The court heard a statement in her defence that her downward slide into shop theft had been brought on by an addiction to crack cocaine that had resulted from a relationship with a man who had encouraged her into the use of the drug. She was also said to have a variety of psychiatric needs, and required suitable stable residential treatment accommodation to help her overcome her problems.

It was stated that a room had been offered to her at a nearby rehabilitation unit, and that if she served a prison sentence it would still be available.

Her defence solicitor requested that the court consider a suspended sentence to speed her ability to start treatment.

However, after a long time out of the courtroom considering the case the two magistrates agreed that her prolific pattern of theft following on shortly from her release from prison for previous crimes, coupled with breaches of her court orders, had significantly passed the custody threshold.

As a result they handed down a sentence of 26 weeks, of which 40% would be served, and the remainder of the period would be under license, meaning that re-offending in that time would see her returned to jail for the full term.

John Bownas, town centre manager for Hastings and coordinator of the local BusinessWatch scheme said after the trial: “We know from reports from shops that Rona has been responsible for far more theft than she was charged with at this hearing. However, the police and CPS felt that there were enough cases here to charge her with to get a custodial sentence. We all hope that on her release she will find the help and support she needs to break her addiction to crack cocaine, as it is this that has been driving her to steal from shops across the town for the past year or so.”

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