Rock House, Cambridge Road, Hastings TN34 1DT 07876390065

Barwatch members

All of the following businesses are members of the Hastings Barwatch scheme.

Anyone identified committing criminal offences or acting in an anti-social manner in any of these premises is liable to be barred from all of them for a fixed period of time.


Bar Moda

Brass Monkey

Cactus Hound

Club XS

East Hastings Sea Angling Association

The Crypt

Hastings Arms

Jenny Lind Hotel

John Logie Baird

London Trader

Old England


Royal Hotel                  


The Albion

The Anchor

The Carlisle

The Chatsworth Hotel  

The Clown

The Crown

The Cutter                    

The Dolphin

The Fountain on Queens

The General Havelock

The Lord Nelson

The Owl & the Pussy Cat

The Pig

The Print Works

The Royal

The Stag

The St Leonard

The Welcome @ Silverhill

Tin Tins

Twisted Bunny

Hastings Cocktail Lounge

Whistle Trago


Ye Old Pump House