Rock House, Cambridge Road, Hastings TN34 1DT 01424 230149.

Author: admin

Understanding your radio and its battery

The radios used on Hastings Barwatch and Shopwatch are very simple to use – simply turn them on, ensure they are on the correct channel and push to talk. That said, we understand some people may be nervous about using them for the first time – so get in touch if you’d like a short training session to get you over any worries you might have. An instruction manual for the radios is available here:  motorola_cp040_instructions. To get the most out of your radio battery and make sure it lasts as long as possible don’t leave it in the charger […]

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‘Ask for Angela’ if you feel threatened on a night out

The ‘Ask for Angela’ scheme helps people get help from bar staff if they feel unsafe or threatened when on a date or after meeting someone they don’t know at a venue. The aim is to reduce sexual violence and vulnerability by providing customers with a simple code-word they can use to get the attention of staff members who can help separate them from the company of someone who may not have the best intentions. Anyone who feels unsafe in such a situation can get help from bar staff by simply asking to speak to “Angela”. Staff will then assist […]

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Home Office surveillance camera guide

The Home Office guide is intended for anyone in any organisation up to and including small and medium sized enterprises buying a surveillance camera system who wants to maximise their chance of success (and minimise risk) by observing the principles of good practice. As a buyer, you could have many different roles in an organisation, but there are a few things that you will all have in common: you want to feel that you have spent your money wisely you want your needs met now and for the life of your surveillance camera system you want a solution that solves […]

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Safer Physical Intervention for door supervisors

This is intended as a quick reminder for Door Supervision licence holders and relates to the training in physical intervention that the SIA requires – it should not be used for training purposes. DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE HERE For more information visit the SIA website

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Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014: Anti-social behaviour powers Statutory guidance for frontline professionals

The Home Office published statutory guidance in July 2014 to support the effective use of new powers to tackle anti-social behaviour that were introduced through the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. This guidance has been updated in the light of experience since the new powers were introduced. The changes will help to ensure that there is a greater focus on the impact of anti-social behaviour on victims and on their needs, ensuring that the relevant legal tests are met before the powers are used, underlining the importance of ensuring that the use of the powers are focused on […]

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Reward doubled for information on Jake Griffin

Police are increasing their reward for information leading to the arrest of a St Leonards man. Jake Griffin was released from prison on July 3, part-way through a 10-year sentence for robbery and possessing an offensive weapon, imposed at Lewes Crown Court in March 2012. The 29-year-old man, from St Leonards, is alleged to have since breached the terms of his release licence and is wanted for recall to prison. Police are offering a £1,000 reward for information leading to his arrest. Griffin is white, about 5’ 6”, of slim build, with brown hair and has a three-inch scar on […]

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Business Crime Survey 2018

Our short survey will help us improve the Hastings Shopwatch and Barwatch schemes. The schemes are only as strong as their membership, so we need to know what you want from them, plus what you think is great and what needs fixing. The questions in THIS SURVEY relate to the impact crime has on your business, your membership of the BCRP (if relevant) and your opinions about the radio network, data and intelligence sharing, and partnership meetings. We also need to know whether you see the scheme as value for money and what you believe a fair membership fee would […]

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Dale Glicksman banned from Hastings

A man has been barred from entering Hastings, St Leonards or the Rother district due to persistent anti-social behaviour, police said. Dale Phillip Glicksman, unemployed, from Thiepval Drive, Tonbridge, Kent, has been banned from the areas for the next two years. The 18-year-old appeared before Hastings magistrates on Tuesday (September 4) where he was served with a Criminal Behaviour Order after the bench was told he had engaged in behaviour likely to cause harassment, alarm and distress. Police said the order, issued under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014, also prohibits Glicksman from associating with any girl under […]

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Dean Walker issued with Criminal Behaviour Order

Anti-social behaviour in St Leonards-on-Sea by a 31-year-old man of no fixed address has led to local magistrates issuing him with a two-year Criminal Behaviour Order. The CBO, which became active on Wednesday 15 August, means Dean Walker is now prohibited from being drunk in public, possessing alcohol in a public place, behaving in any way causing or likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress and from acting or inciting others to act in an anti-social manner. He must also attend and engage with alcohol misuse appointments. Failure to comply with the CBO means Walker, who is unemployed, commits a […]

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Shoplifting in Hastings below average in comparision to similar areas in the UK

In the year ending June 2018, the shoplifting rate in Hastings was lower than the average shoplifting rate across similar areas. The red and green lines show how far the shoplifting rate would normally vary from the average. Hastings lies below the green line, so its shoplifting rate is lower than normal for the group. How to interpret this chart This chart compares the crime rate in your local area to the average crime rate across similar areas. It shows the total number of crimes over a twelve month period per thousand residents, for the crime type selected. Where your […]

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